Getting Closer to Your Mega Project
“Thousands Have Lived without Water, But no One lived Without Water”. While Remaining in a society where we are facing environmental pollution everywhere including, air, water, land pollution. We are responsible for Such damages to our earth. We must put our efforts to make the earth clean and beautiful.
Problem Statement
Being a living organism, I must care for living organisms under the water, their lives matter. We are sending plastic bottles, wrappers, and much more so resulting in destroying their habitats and killing them.
Creating a network of people to work for cleaning up water bodies and made these marine lives safe from our manmade dangerous equipment.
Social Media awareness campaign to show their harmful effects on those marine lives.
Creating some stuff with some personal or network’s people investment to make some new gadgets, or bringing up JUGAD to resolve this issue in a peace full way.
All this stuff we are throwing into water bodies harming these marine lives and also polluting our water bodies because nothing is biodegradable.
Many countries are doing Clean Up campaigns and either River Clean-Up or ocean Clean Up campaigns and all leading to safe marine life for those living creatures under the water.
Where is our superior humanity lies, we are throwing garbage, and it's leading to so many disastrous accidents? what if this turtle died due to this plastic bag and found dead in the sea side. We all are responsible for such shameful acts of so-called humans.
How Program Looks
Here is a picture of drainage nets on a large canal system that I bring to share with you so you have an idea of what I want to do in this mega Project by Utilizing Team work, so we can make sure to avoid the spread of plastic and other water pollution.
The benefits I got from this project are to share my idea with my fellows so we collectively can make a step towards the environment-friendly cause and join our hands to make our water bodies plastic and garbage-free. This results in making our marine lives to be free from garbage and free to live in water bodies.
60 Seconds Pitch
Here! I’m Farah Noor from Amal Fellowship and is basically started to work on a project with the slogans #savemarinelives as we have seen so many instances marine lives are desructing due to plastic bottles, bags sent to water bodies and eventually reaching to oceans and seas. So I decided to build a network with m fellows to save these lives by placing drainage nets on small water bodies so we can make their lives plastic and garbage-free.
Personal Efforts
I personally read and searched about this topic from many bloggers and different organizations working for a safe, plastic-free environment. In 2018 Australia, in the city of Kwinana 2, Drainage nets was placed in the town to collect the garbage before reaching large water bodies. This gathers a large audience from Social Media and other organizations, So Hoping For Best, I would try to start such an initiative in Pakistan from a small scale to a large scale.