Fixing stuff around yourself
Bringing a Positive Change is a leadership quality that is experiencing as everyday leadership in our surroundings, In my view as a student and as an intern, I have so many moments when I have to deal with so many people with rigid thinking and many detachable things in my surrounding, I always come up with a solution to fix such situations where I could get comfortable within there zone and made them to speech their comfort zone so I can turn their rigidity into softness with my counselling skills. I thought that activity is also bringing positive change in society and I m bringing up positive change as a leader.
On the Other Hand, being a student, I often come up with a mess in my room where I’m studying. Mostly I study in my drawing room due to COVID-19 Situation, everyone is at home and during online classes, a noise created in the house so I mostly Prefer to study in the drawing-room and it created a Mess in that room when I leave that room.
When I was doing my AMAL project, I was studying in my drawing room and I observed a mug of tea, many displaced small pillows, and some writing copies were placed irregularly on the table and couch. It needs to be fixed because it was a bad thing to study in a messed up environment around yourself
I have to stand up to pick the mug and place it in the kitchen and fix all small pillows on couches and arrange my writing copies and Pencil. I feel after doing this that now it's looking comfortable and smoothened place, as it's giving me positive vibes in my inner part. Because being a small child no one asked me to do this, I have done this by myself to achieve some inner satisfaction that is also a quality of a leader.
Well, this picture is taken, when I am doing my Amal Project, but usually I have done this task often because I am addicted to studying in a clean environment, one of my brothers is also taking online classes in the same room and he used to create more mess as I created in above pictures, so being the elder sister I often do this in my daily routine.
I have done the task simultaneously when I am reading the project because as a leader I have to done activities on the spot to make a powerful example for others.
This activity is related to everyday leadership and leadership without authority because no one asked me or made any duty regarding fixing the stuff in the drawing-room, but I said to myself as if I do this, then it should be a great step in becoming a better me with better leadership qualities because leadership in every day is bringing a positive change in your surrounding or other surroundings.